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Frogue, 2023


Frogue was created as a submission for my CSC461 Computer Graphics class final project. The project required of us to recreate the classic arcade game Frogger, but put our own personal spin on the game. 


Frogue is a Top-Down 3D adventure game where you play as a frog in which you explore a large procedurally generated island in search for 4 lily pads that you must collect. The main world is generated using a Perlin Noise map, with obstacles placed randomly around the map for the player to navigate around. Each of the 4 lily pads lead to a custom level focusing on a specific mechanic based on the frog's movement. Two of the levels are based on the initial game, with one focused on crossing roads with cars driving by, while the other is focused on crossing different shaped logs to cross rivers. The other two levels are original to this game, the first of which is a rock maze in which you have to figure out how to reach the end of the level. The other is a race to the top, where you have to climb up a large stair case with rocks everywhere as lava is constantly rising behind you. Once these 4 levels are completed, the final lily pad is unlocked at the head of the island, and the game is complete upon collection.

Important Skills Learned:

  1. 3D Modeling with Blender

    • Modeling​​​

    • UV Mapping and Texturing

  2. 3D Animation in Unity

    • ​Create the frog's jump and death animations​

  3. Connecting my Aseprite workflow with Blender to effectively draw textures

  4. Creating Shaders with code in Unity 

    • Creating the pixelization effect

  5. Using Image assets for uses other than displaying on screen when necessary.

    • Drawing a base map for the procedurally generation script to decide which spots on the map will be water or grass.​

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