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Saving Chrysippus, 2024


Saving Chrysippus was created as a sumbission for the Global Game Jam 2024 by me and 6 other people, with I serving as the

team leader. The theme was "Make Me Laugh," and the game idea came to be when one of the team members brought up Chrysippus' story of dying due to seeing donkeys eat his figs and turning that idea into a game. 


Saving Chrysippus is a WarioWare style (theoretically) endless game in which you are constantly thrown new microgames to beat. Each one is signified by a different clown, and will require you to beat the microgame as fast as possible. As you beat microgames, you gain more time before you eventually lose the game, with the faster you beat microgames leading to you losing less time overall. The goal of the game is to get as high of a score as possible.

Important Skills Learned:

  1. Team Leadership

    • First time being the "Team Lead" on a game​

    • Learned how to direct a team through discussions during the planning phase in a timely manner

    • Delegation of work among the team and making sure people are getting their work done

  2. Systems Programming​

    • Learning how to use Unity Callbacks and Event functions in order to notify different game objects when to run, similar to Mutex variables.​

    • Aiding in creating a system in which every developer on the team can make a prefab of a microgame such that microgame development can be split among the team

  3. UI Programming

    • Learning how to programmatically add/edit UI elements ​

    • Learning how Unity handles UI elements differently as opposed to normal GameObjects and working around it.

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