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Wanderlust, 2023

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Wanderlust was created as a submission for my CSC281 Foundations of Interactive Game Design class final project with team members Adam Imbert and Trung Le. The project required of us to create a game based on the theme "Not all who wander are lost."


Wanderlust is a top down 2D adventure game in which you walk around collecting Map Pieces that you can place on curse blocks that populate the levels. It is your job to place the map pieces such that you can pass the cursed areas and reach the end of the level. At the end of every level, you must use all the map pieces you collect in order to fill a final tangram style puzzle using all the pieces from the level in order to unlock the next.

Important Skills Learned:

  1. Enemy AI

    • Custom Enemy AI state machine that makes enemies follow the player based on proximity.​

    • Node based Idle state for easy placement of enemies on the map

  2. Level/Puzzle Design​

    • Coming up with ways in which to guide players implicitly without pointing them in a specific direction​

    • Designing unique ways in which to make the player to use the map pieces as means of traversal and forcing the player to think critically to solve puzzles​

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